Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 4 - Radio

In Pennsylvania voters votes and campaigns spin
- Clinton says it is a must win for her
- Obama says anything less than a complete Clinton blowout is a victory for him

Last minutes attack ads unleashed in Pennsylvanian
- third party companies are making the negative ads
- “The American Leadership Project” is running an ad against Obama especially critical of his health care plan

Loss in Pennsylvania wont hurt his chances
- Obama is confident a loss to Clinton will not hurt his election campaign
- Obama is not predicting victory but says with a loss he can still beat McCain

Candidates are chosen
- Clinton is asking the public why Obama cant close the gap when he has such a financial lead
- Both candidates are doing last minute PR campaigns

Bill Clinton on Obama, he “played the race card”
- former president bill Clinton accused Obama of using the race card
- says memo’s clearly show Obama intended to

- Obama is fundraising much more than Clinton
- Clinton is spending money much faster than it is coming in
- Obama has an estimated 4x more money than Clinton

Pennsylvania: the Catholic Vote
- Both candidates are campaigning for the ‘Catholic vote’
- In the discussion the question was proposed, “Is there such thing as a catholic vote?”

The black vote in Philadelphia
- Deeply divided between the two candidates
- The election is showing the, “changing priorities within the cities black power structure.”

- Campaigning on an “its time for action” tour
- Says many communities are suffering from “sins of indifference and injustice”

Obama Muslin?
- Recent poll shows 10% of American think he is
- Obama calls it a “name game” and says it is hurtful to Muslim communities

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