Friday, April 11, 2008

Reflective Questions - April 7

Prime rate – This is the interest rate that banks use to give out loans. It is important because it changes depending on the health of the economy. Recently banks in the united states have been in financial trouble from people not paying off loans. It has been in the news because the feds are lowing it to try and increase spending to improve the worsening economy.

Tibet – This is a section of china that has different beliefs from the government. They are being persecuted by the Chinese officials and are not allowed to practice their faith in freedom and with safety. It has been in the news recently because of a larger than normal amount of unrest as well as the upcoming olympic games.

Columbia Trade Agreement – removed tariffs on goods going to Columbia. It was recently voted against by the democratic majority and the agreement is not in place.

Iraq – The green zone is a protected area of Baghdad in which Iraqi government operations take place. It is guarded by US troops as well as Iraqi army soldiers. The gren zone is suppose to be the most secure part of iraq but has come under enemy fire by car boombs and rocket attacks leaving questions about how well the war is actually going.

Benedict XVI – Is a very conservative pope of the Roman Catholic church. He is coming to the United States for the first time betwen April 15-20. He will be visinting Washington DC and New York.

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