Thursday, April 3, 2008

Diversity Wheel

Obviously, as is indicated by the wheel, what makes me me is my past experiences. Previous experiences help to define and shape who you are and who you will become. Learning from your past helps you make future decisions.

Moving further from the center I feel that age is the next most important section. Your age affects how others look at you and ultimately results in how you are initially treated by others. Age can open and close metaphorical doors for an individual; it can give you opportunities or take them away from you.

On the outside of the wheel education and religion are the two biggest sections in my mind. Education has helped make me who I am. Its taught me how to make informed choices that will better my life. I don’t consider myself very religious but certainly will not tell others what to believe. My biggest argument is with those who do indeed try to change others beliefs.

My education has helped define myself as more liberal thinker than conservative, but my intellect lets me make open minded decisions regardless of political affiliations.

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