Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 3 - Television

Petraeus, Crocker Continue Testimony on Iraq
- Freeze in troop reduction
- Iran accused of creating instability

Petraeus Hearing a Campaign Stop for Candidates
- McCain, Clinton and Obama all question the general on capitol hill
- They are criticized as making it a campaign stop

Bush announces Shorter deployments
- Shortened from 15 months to 12 months
- Withdrawal of US troops will be suspended this summer

Clintons Income
- After 2000 the Clintons income increased drastically
- Taxes indicate they made 109 million dollars since Bill left office

McCain seeks unifying running mate
- Visiting places that will remind him of his “roots”
- Looking for a running mate that will unite America

Bills post presidential perks
- Spent over 8 million in perks
- He has a full pension and salaried staff

Petraeus testifies
- Obama and Clinton are linking his speech to Pennsylvania
- Obama is trying to gain ground on Clinton before the April 22 vote

Pope Visits US
- This is his first visit to the United States
- He is here form the 15th to the 20th

Popes visit and the election
- Obama and Clinton are both talking religion now that the pope is in the US
- They were speaking on a nationally televised “compassion forum”

Civil rights leader backs Clinton
- Former Atlanta Mayor gave his support to Clinton
- He is a democrat and feels his prior experiences with civil rights movements have lead him to support Clinton

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